YPN Committee

9. Nate Bock - YPN Committee Chair

Nate Bock

2024 YPN Committee Chair

As spring seems nearly upon us, I am always filled with a sense of renewal and energy when the flora starts to green up.

Like a bear emerging from hibernation, so often do our real estate businesses, and it becomes time to get to work.   This is also the time of year where I often find myself making commitments, or at least taking action on business ones that I made during the new year.  Something I struggle with at times, however, is getting outside of my comfort zone and trying something new.   Four years ago this month I made one of the largest decisions of my life.  I took a leap of faith, moved 15 hours and 3 states away from the sweet midwest, away from my family, my closest friends, and a real estate business I had worked hard at building for over 13 years.   It was a tough decision, but adventure called.   Montana called.  So I showed up to a place that was beautiful and easy to enjoy, but I could count the people I knew on one hand.   I showed up to a blank canvas, where each brush stroke would have a large impact on my future here.   As I joined a new real estate community and took on the challenge of re-building a business with no sphere of influence, no knowledge of how the business was done here compared to Iowa, and honestly no idea if I could make it, I knew right away that I had to get involved.  Having been on committees in my previous MLS, I found a place on the YPN committee here at GAR.  While at the time I didn’t know what I had to offer the committee, or what to expect from it, I can now see how valuable it has been to me personally and to my business.

I tell you this story in hopes that it helps you take a step back for a second and ask yourself some important questions…  “What do I want from my business this year?”   “How should I step out of my comfort zone or do something differently?”  “How can I grow in the direction I want to?”   For some, that might mean getting more involved.  For others, it may be learning to say no to some things to give others greater focus.    How can you grow not just your business, but yourself as a person?    I think one of the most key ingredients is the relationships you have with others.    Finally meeting in person that other agent who you did a deal with but only ever talked to on  the phone.    Attending a panel where someone offered advice you really needed to hear.    Giving back to your community by cleaning up a park.   Changing another person’s livelihood through a successful fundraiser.  Connecting with a social media guru that helped you finally start a media campaign and generated a couple sales.   I don’t know what it is for you personally, but I know most of us want to grow and can do so, and that the relationships we find and choose are huge opportunities for growth.   It could be as simple as getting involved with GAR, or attending a few events put on by YPN and the other committees.   Last year’s chair had a theme of “building bridges”, and that really stuck with me.   We are in a relationship-based business, and YPN is a superhighway to some awesome relationships.   Please consider joining us at an upcoming event — we would love to have you there regardless of how young or professional you consider yourself!