
GAR Board of Directors Election

It is that time of the year where we start focusing on 2025 as we head into the second half of the year.  Among several things we focus on, it is time to talk with you about GAR and MAR Board of Directors.

Serving on the Board of Directors is a rewarding experience for several reasons!

First, it offers an opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the organization and your community. As a board member, you will be responsible for setting the direction and making decisions that will shape the future of the organization and can be a fulfilling experience.

Second, being on the Board of Directors can help you develop valuable skills that can benefit you both personally and professionally. These skills may include leadership, strategic thinking, financial management, and communication.

Third, serving provides opportunities for networking and building relationships with other professionals in the industry.

Finally, it can be a way to give back to the organization and your community. Volunteering your time and expertise, you are helping to ensure that GAR continues to thrive and serve its members. This can be a rewarding experience in and of itself, knowing that you have made a positive impact on the lives of others.

Overall, running for the Board of Directors can be a fulfilling and worthwhile experience for anyone who is passionate about making a positive impact and developing valuable skills.

Here are the positions open for the 2025 GAR Board of Directors:

  • Two Directors which are three-year terms with a two-term limit, meaning you could run for a second term and serve a total of six total years.
  • Vice President is a one-year term and serves on the Executive Committee, meaning two meetings per month.
  • Treasurer is a two-year term with a three-term limit, meaning you could serve for as much as six total years.  This position also serves on the Executive Committee.  It also chairs the Finance Committee with consists of five or six times per year.
  • President-Elect is a one-year term and then automatically moves to President and then Immediate Past President. This position also serves on the Executive Committee.  As Immediate Past President, they chair the Leadership Development Committee.

The Board meets monthly except for July & December.  They also attend a half-day Board of Directors training and a day of Professional Standards Training.

The Executive Committee are the Officers of the Board which consists of the Vice President, Treasurer, President-Elect, President and Immediate Past President.  They also meet monthly except for July & December, unless additional meetings are necessary, like performing the CEO performance reviews.

As President-Elect, you get to attend NAR's Leadership Summit in Chicago and it is a fantastic day and a half learning about NAR, the NAR leadership team that will be in place during your Presidency, networking with fellow association President-Elects and amazing leadership speakers.

Our President-Elect & President attends NAR's Legislative Meetings in Washington DC in May and NAR's NXT Conference in November.  In 2025 it is held in Houston, TX and in 2026 it is in New Orleans.  It is just all fun, they spend valuable time networking and learning from their peers from across the country, bringing back great information and ideas to GAR.

So, what do you say?  Do you want to help shape the association and our serving the GAR membership? Do you want to grow in ways you never imagined?

Great, then CLICK HERE to view the qualifications for the different positions available and submit your application for candidacy.  The deadline to submit is 5:00 pm on August 5th.