McCullough Roach
Government Affairs Committee Chair
The Government Affairs Committee (GAC) has worked diligently to advance sensible policies in Southwest Montana’s local governments.
We are working to ensure that real estate is well-represented in all areas of elections, homeownership, and private property rights.
Election season is here. It is crucial for the future of your business that you VOTE!
To check your voter registration, use this website. If you need to register or change your voting address, please use this form or visit your local election office, using this regional directory, to update your voter registration.
Check out the GAR Election Voter Guide to help you cast educated votes in your district. The guide will help you understand all of the races and ballot measures in your voting region.
We have written two substantial documents outlining GAR’s stance on Gallatin County’s Future Land Use Map & Housing Strategy and Bozeman’s Unified Development Code. Each document sets forth the real estate perspective on the future of zoning and growth management. In addition, the GAC is paying close attention to the zoning, planning, and growth policies in Park County.
The GAC is continuing to focus on the policies that have the greatest impact on real estate and are engaged in these conversations throughout Southwest Montana:
• Short-Term Rentals
• Zoning Codes
• Planning & Development Regulations
• Growth Policies
• Public Lands & Open Space
• Water and Sewer Restrictions
• Housing Initiatives
• Urban Camping
As always, an important conversation in Southwest Montana is Property Tax Relief. Southwest Montana’s county and city governments are contemplating, reviewing, or passing new mill levies and tax assessment districts. We are working with Billings, Helena and Great Falls Association of REALTORS® to share the availability of Montana’s Property Tax Relief Programs. Spreading the word won’t happen without you. Tell your clients, friends, and family about:
• Our website: Montana Property Tax Help
• Pass out this flyer to clients, friends, and family: Property Tax Help Flier
Our Local Political Coordinator program is live!
Politicians listen most to those who live and work in their community. If you are interested in politics, know folks who make the decisions and want to help advance real estate friendly policies, please consider becoming a Local Political Coordinator. Look over the LPC Handbook and Apply!